Thursday, July 29, 2010

Calvert-FSK Closing Video

Thursday, July 15, 2010

That Was the Week that Was -- Take Three

The week started with a bang on July 4th and got hotter as the temperatures climbed into triple digits. On Tuesday we went shopping at Seoul Plaza in preparation for an Asian cook-off on Wednesday. Did you know that under every layer of banana blossom petals there are smaller and smaller bunches of bananas? It was hard to decide which was better the 8th grade boys' Okinawan fritters or the 7th grade girls' fried rice stick noodles. Thursday was a long day. We toured the University of Delaware and cooled off tubing.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

That Was the Week That Was -- Take Two

This week could also be called four days before the Fourth. Oleg did a presentation on his camp mission to the Crimea last summer. On Wednesday Ms. Marlowe and helpers prepared bin dae duk -- savory Korean pancakes and Japanese soba noodles. On Friday we went sailing and had a barbecue with our families.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Is the First Week Already Over?!?

It was great to welcome the seventh graders, and new intern Euna Park on June 22nd. We've only had one Send-off competition -- the scavenger hunt on Tuesday -- because we are just SO busy enjoying math, language arts, geography, technology, Spanish, science and art!
Let pictures tell the story...interns Oleg and Freeman enjoying extra cookies before they go back to work, Jamal sketching his Korean name in art, and Sergio putting on the dog at Center Stage while Yvette puts on the Ritz. On Friday we went to Towson along with all the other MGP programs to officially kick off the summer. Connexions drummers warmed us up, Gayle Danley, slam poetess, returned, and Greg Harrell, the Best Benchwarmer, spoke to us. Ms. Casey, Executive Director, shared the results of the Johns Hopkins University study which confirmed that MGP works! (We knew that!)

Students who participated in the After School Program were delighted to learn that their third KIVA loan has been repaid.

Next week the seventh graders get to try their hands at golf with First Tee, and all of us will enjoy the annual Regattah! and barbecue on Friday.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Summer's Starting June 22nd!

Look at what we'll be doing!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Swing into Summer

Among other things, baseball is all about summer. On Thursday, May 13, returning Summer Scholars and new Summer Scholars went to Camden Yards for a weather presentation (no, it didn't rain because Bardella brought her umbrella!), and a game against the Seattle Mariners.
Mr. B was quite upset that our pitcher was not yanked after giving up 5 runs. However, Luke Scott made up for it in the bottom of the 8th when he hit a grand slam homer to propell us to a 6-5 victory.

Summer will begin for the Scholars in earnest on Tuesday, June 22nd.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Terra Cotta Soldiers

On Saturday, February 27, 2010, we went to the National Geographic Society in Washington, D.C. to see the Terra Cotta Soldiers from Xi'an. Thousands of these soldiers were found as part of the burial complex of Emperor Quin -- the man who unified China, started the Great Wall, regularized money, weights and writing, and then spent the last years of his life preparing, as the ancient Egyptians did, for the after-life. These pictures show what they look like in China, and what we looked like in DC.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Continuing a Tradition of Giving to KIVA

What better way to celebrate the holiday season than by re-loaning our KIVA funds which have been repaid. Once again, people's generosity in terms of micro-finance is so large that we were unable to fund our first choices. Here is who we did fund.
Lindon Ismael in La Paz, Bolivia, wants to provide low-cost entertainment for the children in his neighborhood by purchasing a trampoline. Teresita's Group provides transportation of goods and people via over-sized tricycles in the Philippines.